Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Orangization Behavor- Phase 2 DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Orangization Behavor- Phase 2 DB - Essay Example The company is growing and to enable the company to cater to the different cultural markets, CSD will have to incorporate diversity and train the employees to be culturally sensitive about many issues. An organization can be viewed in many ways; it can be a machine, designed to be highly precise and organized, it can be an organism with a lifespan during which it grows, becomes weak and then dies, it can be an instrument of domination which is exploited by the wealthy and powerful. Thus organizations can be defined through metaphors, in itself it is complex and no single metaphor can define it completely. (Morgan, G, 1997). Within an organization there is a lot of communication taking place, information keeps flowing back and forth. Types of communication channels that are open to organization are formal and informal channels. Both of these channels have many techniques within them. In the formal channel there is upward and downward communication, and horizontal communication. In the informal channel, there is the grapevine and management by wandering around. Keeping in mind that the structure of the organization is a matrix structure, all types of formal communication should exist. Employees need to report to their supervisors with problems and feedback from the customers, while supervisors should share knowledge about the product to avoid problems such as selling the wrong widgets. Apart from this, since there has been a recent change in the structure, the department heads need to get together so that they can bring the organization together. The sales department is responsible for the sales and the customer services. They have only been concentrating on sales, it needs to be communicated to them that customer service is also a vital part of the company. Also to integrate diversity within the organization the department heads needs to cooperate so that all

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Eutrophication Process Steps

Eutrophication Process Steps Eutrophication is world-wide environmental issue environmental problems that are related to high concentration nutrients. It is the process due to increment of algae productivity which affects adversely aquatic life and also human and animal health. It is mainly influenced by humankind activities that include agriculture and sewage effluent due to creating high amount of nutrients. The mechanism of eutrophication is briefly described in Figure 1. Large amount of nutrient input to the water body is the main effect and high level of phytoplankton biomass results that lead to algal bloom. Consumption of oxygen close the bottom of the water body is the result. The other effects of the process can be divided two categories that are related to: nutrient dispersion, phytoplankton growth Nitrogen and phosphorus are two main nutrients for aquatic life. In addition, A silica is also necessary for the diatoms. Nutrient concentration in the water body changes during eutrophication. The nutrient is the limiting factor, if it is not be available for algae develop. The sufficient factor to determine limiting factor is the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus compounds in the water body is an important factor for control mechanism. (Table 1). Phosphorus is generally limiting factor for phytoplankton in fresh waters. For large marine areas frequently have nitrogen as the limiting nutrient, especially in summer. Intermediate areas such as river plumes are often phosphorus-limited during spring,but may turn to silica or nitrogen limitation in summer. The enrichment of water by nutrients can be of natural origin but it is often dramatically increased by human activities. This occurs almost everywhere in the world. There are three main sources of anthropic nutrient input: runoff, erosion and leaching from fertilized agricultural areas, and sewage from cities and industrial wastewater. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (from animal breeding and combustion gases) can also be important. According to the European Environment Agency, the main source of nitrogen pollutants is run-off from agricultural land, whereas most phosphorus pollution comes from households and industry, including phosphorus- based detergents. The rapid increase in industrial production and in in-house consumption during the 20th century has resulted in greater volumes of nutrient-rich wastewater. Although there has been recently a better management of nitrogen and phosphorus in agricultural practices, saturation of soils with phosphorus can be noted in some areas where spreading of excessive manure from animal husbandry occurs. Nutrient removal in sewage treatment plants and promotion of phosphorus-free detergents are vital to minimize the impact of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution on Europes water bodies7. Since 1980, nitrate concentrations in major EU  rivers have generally remained constant. There is no  evidence that reduced application of nitrogen fertilizers  to agricultural land has resulted in lower nitrate  concentrations in rivers. Indeed, concentrations in  some regions in Europe, such as Brittany, or Poitou in  France, and Catalunya in Spain, are still increasing. More detailed information on nitrates are to be found  in the companion pamphlet in this series nitrate and  health and in the E.C. report mentioned in (6). wastewater treatment and less phosphorus in household  detergents. Phosphorus release from industry  has also fallen sharply (Figure 3) whereas phosphorus  from agriculture, despite a reduction in the consumption  of phosphate fertilizers in the EU, remains an  important source of phosphorus pollution.   Unfortunately, due to the main role of nitrogen in the  eutrophication process in summer in the coastal zone,  the reduction in the discharge of phosphorus from  rivers into the sea has not been visible, except in very  specific sites. In most cases the phosphorus released  by the sediments into the open sea is sufficient to  allow eutrophication to occur, although external inputs have sharply decreased. In fact, only the Dutch coast  has benefited from the improvement of the water of  the Rhine, everywhere else the situation is stable or  has worsened. Some activities can lead to an increase in adverse  eutrophication and, although they are very specific,  they should be noted: Aquaculture development: Expansion of aquaculture  contributes to eutrophication by the discharge of  unused animal food and excreta of fish into the  water; The transportation of exotic species: Mainly via the  ballasts of big ships, toxic algae, cyanobacteria and  nuisance weeds can be carried from endemic areas  to uncontaminated ones. In these new environments  they may find a favourable habitat for their diffusion  and overgrowth, stimulated by nutrients availability; Reservoirs in arid lands: The construction of large  reservoirs to store and manage water has been  taking place all over the world. These dams are built  in order to allow the collection of drainage waters  through huge hydrographic basins. Erosion leads to  the enrichment of the waters of these reservoirs by  nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen Factors supporting the development  of eutrophication Besides nutrient inputs, the first condition supporting  eutrophication development is purely physical it is  the containment (time of renewal) of the water. The  containment of water can be physical, such as in a  lake or even in a slow river that works as a batch  (upstream waters do not mix with downstream  waters), or it can be dynamic.   The notion of dynamic containment is mostly relevant  for marine areas. Geological features such as the  shape of the bottom of the sea, the shape of the  shores, physical conditions such as streams, or large  turbulent areas, and tidal movements, allow some  large marine areas to be really contained, exhibiting  very little water renewal. This is known as dynamic  containment. In other cases, due to tidal effects, and/or streams,  some areas that would seem to be prone to containment  see their waters regularly renewed and are not  contained at all and are therefore very unlikely to  become eutrophic. Other physical factors influence eutrophication of  water bodies. Thermal stratification of stagnant water  bodies (such as lakes and reservoirs), temperature  and light influence the development of aquatic algae. Increased light and temperature conditions during  spring and summer explain why eutrophication is a  phenomenon that occurs mainly during these seasons. Eutrophication itself affects the penetration of  light through the water body because of the shadow  effect coming from the development of algae and  other living organisms and this reduces photosynthesis in deep water layers, and aquatic grass and  weeds bottom development. Main consequences  of eutrophication The major consequence of eutrophication concerns  the availability of oxygen. Plants, through photosynthesis,  produce oxygen in daylight. On the contrary, in  darkness all animals and plants, as well as aerobic  microorganisms and decomposing dead organisms,  respire and consume oxygen. These two competitive  processes are dependent on the development of the  biomass. In the case of severe biomass accumulation,  the process of oxidation of the organic matter that has  formed into sediment at the bottom of the water body  will consume all the available oxygen. Even the oxygen  contained in sulphates (SO4  2-) will be used by  some specific bacteria. This will lead to the release of  sulphur (S2-) that will immediately capture the free oxygen  still present in the upper layers. Thus, the water  body will loose all its oxygen and all life will disappear.  This is when the very specific smell of rotten eggs, originating  mainly from sulphur, will appe ar.   In parallel with these changes in oxygen concentration  other changes in the water environment occur: Changes in algal population: During eutrophication, macroalgae, phytoplankton (diatoms, dinoflagellates,  chlorophytes) and cyanobacteria, which  depend upon nutrients, light, temperature and water  movement, will experience excessive growth. From  a public health point of view, the fact that some of  these organisms can release toxins into the water or  be toxic themselves is important.   Changes in zooplankton, fish and shellfish population: Where eutrophication occurs, this part of the ecosystem is the first to demonstrate changes. Being most sensitive to oxygen availability, these species may die from oxygen limitation or from changes in the chemical composition of the water such as the excessive alkalinity that occurs during intense photosynthesis. Ammonia toxicity in fish for example is much higher in alkaline waters. Effects of eutrophication The effects of eutrophication on the environment may, have deleterious consequences for the health of exposed animal and human populations, through various pathways. Specific health risks appear when fresh water, extracted from eutrophic areas, is used for the production of drinking water. Severe impacts can also occur during animal watering in eutrophic waters. Macroalgae, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria blooms Algae display varying degrees of complexity depending on the organization of their cells. Macroalgae, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria may colonize marine, brackish or fresh waters wherever conditions of light, temperature and nutrients are favourable. Cyanobacteria have been largely studied in fresh water systems, due to their ability to proliferate, to  form massive surface scums, and to produce toxins that have been implicated in animal or human poisoning. Some species of algae may also contain toxins, but incidents where fresh water algae are at the origin  of cases of human or animal illness have very seldom been reported. Coloured toxic tides caused by algal overgrowth have been known to exist for many centuries. In fact the Bible (Exodus, 7: 20-24) states all the water of the Nile river became red as blood and fish which were in the river died. And the river was poisoned and the Egyptians could not drink its waters. Algal blooms were observed in 1638 by fishermen in north west of Iceland. Fjords were reported to be stained blood red and during the night produced a kind of phosphorescence. The fishermen thought that the colours could be due to the blood of fighting whales or to some marine insects or plants (Olafsson and Palmsson, 1772). The first scientific report of domestic animals dying from poisoning as a consequence of drinking water that was affected by a blue/green algae  bloom was in 1878 in lake Alexandrina, Australia. In coastal and estuarine systems, however, where  conditions are less favourable to the proliferation of  cyanobacteria, which need oligo-elements such as iron, toxic algae such as dinoflagellates have been observed and have been at the origin of health  troubles. There is growing evidence that nutrients,  especially nitrogen, favour the duration and frequency  of such toxic blooms, and concentrations of toxin in  the cells. Health effects linked to toxins of cyanobacteria in  fresh waters Some cyanobacteria have the capacity to produce  toxins dangerous to human beings. Toxins can be  found either free in the water where the bloom occurs  or bound to the algal or cyanobacterial cell. When the  cells are young (during the growth phase), 70 to 90%  of the toxins are cell bound, whereas when the cells Cyanobacteria have been largely studied in fresh  water systems, due to their ability to proliferate, to  form massive surface scums, and to produce toxins  that have been implicated in animal or human poisoning. Some species of algae may also contain toxins,  but incidents where fresh water algae are at the origin  of cases of human or animal illness have very seldom  been reported. Coloured toxic tides caused by algal overgrowth have been known to exist for many centuries. In fact the  Bible (Exodus, 7: 20-24) states all the water of the  Nile river became red as blood and fish which were in  the river died. And the river was poisoned and the  Egyptians could not drink its waters. Algal blooms were observed in 1638 by fishermen in  north west of Iceland. Fjords were reported to be stained  blood red and during the night produced a kind of  phosphorescence. The fishermen thought that the  colours could be due to the blood of fighting whales or  to some marine insects or plants (Olafsson and Palmsson,  1772). The first scientific report of domestic animals  dying from poisoning as a consequence of drinking  water that was affected by a blue/green algae  bloom was in 1878 in lake Alexandrina, Australia. In coastal and estuarine systems, however, where  conditions are less favourable to the proliferation of  cyanobacteria, which need oligo-elements such as  iron, toxic algae such as dinoflagellates have been  observed and have been at the origin of health  troubles. There is growing evidence that nutrients,  especially nitrogen, favour the duration and frequency  of such toxic blooms, and concentrations of toxin in  the cells. Health effects linked to toxins of cyanobacteria in  fresh waters Some cyanobacteria have the capacity to produce  toxins dangerous to human beings. Toxins can be  found either free in the water where the bloom occurs  or bound to the algal or cyanobacterial cell. When the  cells are young (during the growth phase), 70 to 90%  of the toxins are cell bound, whereas when the cells fresh waters. People may be exposed to toxins  through the consumption of contaminated drinking  water, direct contact with fresh water or the inhalation  of aerosols. Toxins induce damage in animals and  humans by acting at the molecular level and consequently  affecting cells, tissues and organs (Table 3). The nervous, digestive, respiratory and cutaneous  systems may be affected. Secondary effects can be  observed in numerous organs. Age or physiological  conditions of the affected individual may determine the  severity of the symptoms. A variety of symptoms,  depending on the toxins implicated, are observed  such as fatigue, headache, diarrhoea, vomiting, sore  throat, fever and skin irritations. Cyanotoxins can be classified into three groups: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hepatotoxins. These are the most frequently observed cyanotoxins.  Experiments using mice indicate that they cause liver  injury and can lead to death from liver haemorrhage  and cardiac failure within a few hours of exposure at  acute doses. Chronic exposure induces liver injury  and promotes the growth of tumours. Questions remain concerning the effects of repeated  exposures to low levels of toxins. Animal experiments  have shown liver injury from repeated oral exposure to  microcystins, the most frequently observed cyanotoxins. It is thought that the high prevalence13 of liver  cancer observed in some areas of China could be due  to the presence of microcystins in water supplies. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Neurotoxins. These are generally less common and act on the nervous  system. In mice and aquatic birds, they cause  rapid death by respiratory arrest, sometimes occurring  in a few minutes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Dermatotoxins. These induce irritant and allergenic responses in tissues  by simple contact. The global toxicity of a cyanobacterial proliferation is  not constant in time or space, making it difficult to  assess the health threat although some acute poisonings  have led to death (Tables 3 and 4). The release of cyanotoxins in water has been at the  origin of several outbreaks affecting animal or human  health (Case studies p. f12). About 75% of cyanobacterial  blooms are accompanied by toxin production. The presence of cyanobacterial toxins after potabilization  treatment represents a health threat for patients  undergoing renal dialysis treatment. Monitoring of eutrophication   Monitoring is useful if it is performed for a purpose. The main reasons for monitoring a water body for  eutrophication are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To prevent the occurence of eutrophication; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Early warning purposes. Public health authorities  need to know when eutrophication is likely to start in  order to allow them to implement preventive actions; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To know the level of development of the process, and have a precise picture of the quality of the water. This is mostly relevant for water companies, which  have to deal with eutrophic waters; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Research. The reality is that monitoring systems are often multipurpose. Monitoring and management  of cyanobacterial growth in fresh waters  for public health purposes Chorus and Bartram (1999) have proposed the following  monitoring and management scheme to water  treatment plant operators and managers as an alert  level framework. It provides a graduated response to  the onset and progress of a cyanobacteria bloom. This tool initially comes from Australia. Three response  levels are defined: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Vigilance Level is defined by the detection of one colony, or five filaments, of a cyanobacterium in a 1 ml  water sample. When the Vigilance Level is exceeded,  it is recommended that the affected water body is  sampled more frequently at least once a week, so  that potentially rapid changes in cyanobacteria biomass  can be monitored. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Alert Level 1 is initiated when 2,000 cyanobacterial  cells per ml or 0.2 mm3/l biovolume23 or 1 ÃŽÂ ¼g/l chlorophyll- a24 are detected. Alert Level 1 condition  requires an assessment to be made of the total toxin  concentration in the raw water. A consultation should  be held with the health authorities for on-going  assessment of the status of the bloom and of the suitability  of treated water for human consumption. Monitoring  should be conducted at least once per week. It may also be appropriate at this time to issue advisory notices to the public through the media or other means. Government departments or interested authorities or those with legal responsibilities should also be contacted, as should organizations that treat or care for members of the public with special needs. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Alert Level 2 is initiated when 100,000 cells per ml or 10-mm3/l biovolume or 50 ÃŽÂ ¼g/l chlorophyll-a are detected, with the presence of toxins confirmed by chemical or bioassay techniques. This density of cells corresponds to an established, toxic bloom with high biomass and possibly also localized scums. In this situation there is a need for effective water treatment systems and an assessment of the performance of the system. Hydro-physical measures to reduce cyanobacteria growth may still be attempted. If efficient water treatments are not available (see technical annex), a contingency water supply plan should be activated. In extreme situations, safe drinking water should be supplied to consumers in tanks and bottles. Media releases and contact with consumers should be undertaken via mail of leaflets informing that water may present danger for human consumption but is still suitable for the purposes of washing, laundry and toilet flushing. National water quality monitoring programs Few national water quality monitoring programmes include parameters which indicate eutrophication or a risk of algal or cyanobacterial overgrowth. In Europe, North America, Japan and Australia, local monitoring plans which check the occurrence of toxic species in areas where shellfish or fish are consumed, are implemented. This is based on sampling at strategic points and analysis of phytoplankton and/or shellfish. The frequency of sampling generally depends on the sea- son. Table 6 summarizes the monitoring systems in some EU Member States. They only allow the monitoring of toxic blooms, which are only a part of the eutrophication consequences. Technologies such as satellite imaging can be used to monitor large water bodies. The same technique can be applied to monitor the extent of high chlorophyll-a concentrations reflecting the phytoplankton biomass of the upper layers of the eutrophic area. Possible parameters used for monitoring purposes According to the definition of eutrophication, it is clear that formulae such as an increase of x grams of bottom macrophytes per square meter or y micrograms chlorophyll-a per litre are not suitable to define a threshold, which, when exceeded, will describe eutrophication. Such unique parameter does not exist. Moreover, in order to define the magnitude of eutrophication, two measurements are required: That of the system in its reference conditions, and in its current or predicted future condition. As baseline data for a site is the exception rather than the rule, this makes it difficult to test eutrophication using a case-by-case approach. Nevertheless, as the first signs of adverse eutrophication is a decrease in the oxygen concentration in the lower layers of the water body of stagnant waters, and an increase in pH due to photosynthesis (CO2 depletion), these parameters, together with direct microscopic observations, are likely to be the only ones that can help forecast the likelihood of the start of such a process as long as a model integrating physical conditions, nutrient inputs and biological effects has not been locally validated. Prevention25,26 The causes that drive eutrophication are multiple and the mechanisms involved are complex. Several elements should be considered in order to assess the possible actions aimed at counteracting nutrient enrichment of water supplies. The use of computerised models now allows a better understanding of the role of each factor, and forecasting the efficiency of various curative and preventive measures. The best way to avoid eutrophication is to try to disrupt those mechanisms that are under human control; this clearly means to reduce the input of nutrients into the water basins. Such a control unfortunately does not have a linear effect on the eutrophication intensity. Integrated management should comprise: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identification of all nutrient sources. Such information can be acquired by studies of the catchment area of the water supply. Knowledge of industrial activities, discharge practices and localization, as well as agricultural practices (fertilizer contribution/plant use and localization of crops) is necessary in order to plan and implement actions aiming at limiting the nutrient enrichment of water. The identification of sewage discharge points, agricultural practices, the nature of the soil, the vegetation, and the interaction between the soil and the water can be of great help in knowing which areas should be targeted. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Knowledge of the hydrodynamics of the water body, particularly the way nutrients are transported, and of the vulnerability of the aquifer, will allow determination of the ways by which the water is enriched with nutrients. Anthropogenic nutrient point sources such as nontreated industrial and domestic wastewater discharge can be minimized by systematic use of wastewater treatments. In sensitive aeras, industries and local authorities should control the level of nutrients in the treated wastewater by the use of specific denitrification or phosphorus removal treatments. Diffuse anthropogenic nutrient sources can be controlled by soil conservation techniques and fertilizer restrictions. Knowledge of the agronomic balance (ratio of fertilizer contribution to plant use) is very relevant to optimize the fertilization practice and to limit the loss of nutrients. Diffuse nutrient losses will be reduced by implementation at farm level of good practices such as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Fertilization balance, for nitrogen and phosphorus, e.g. adequation of nutrients supply to the needs of the crop with reasonable expected yields, taking into account soil and atmospheric N supply. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Regular soil nutrients analysis, fertilization plans and registers at plot level. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sufficient manure storage capacities, for spreading of manure at appropriate periods. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Green cover of soils during winter, use of catchcrops in crop rotations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Unfertilized grass buffer strips (or broad hedges) along watercourses and ditches. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Promotion of permanent grassland, rather than temporary forage crops. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prevention of erosion of sloping soils. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Precise irrigation management (e.g. drip irrigation, fertilisation, soil moisture control). In coastal areas, improvement in the dispersion of nutrients, either through the multiplication of discharge points or through the changing of their localization, can help to avoid localized high levels of nutrients. Reuse and recycling, in aquaculture and agriculture, of waters rich in nutrients can be optimized in order to avoid discharge into the water body and direct consumption of the nutrients by the local flora and fauna. Water resources are environmental assets and therefore have a price. There are market-based methods to estimate costs and benefits, and these make it possible to use cost- benefit analysis as a useful tool to assess the economic effects of abatement of eutrophication or other pollution problems. Benefits range from higher quality drinking water and reduced health risks (Photo 29) to improved recreational uses (Photo 30). The effects on human health from the lack of sanitation and the chronic effects of toxic algal blooms are two of the many indirect effects resulting from eutrophication. Numerous cost-benefit analyses of pollution abatement have clearly demonstrated that the total costs to society of no pollution reduction is much higher than at least a reasonable pollution reduction. Consequently, it is necessary to examine the prevention of pollution and restoration of water quality in lakes and reservoirs from an economic standpoint. The result of such examinations should be appli ed to assess effluent charges and green taxes. International experience shows that these economic instruments are reasonably effective in improving water quality and solving related water pollution problems. Thus, effective planning and management of lakes and reservoirs depends not only on a sound understanding of these water-bodies as ecological systems but also of their value to people as recreational areas and water resources. In the past, several management strategies were developed and applied to solve problems of decreasing surface and groundwater quality. These were often a response to acute critical situations resulting in increased costs of water. The demand for good quality fresh water was only solved partially and locally; this was because too few resources were allocated too late to solve the problems. Early prevention is by far the cheapest method to avoid later pollution. Eutrophication Management Recognizing that the specific needs of policy-makers and administrators are usually different from those of the strictly technical audience, the primary purpose of this digest is to provide quantitative tools for assessing the state of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs; to provide a framework for developing cost-effective eutrophication management strategies; to provide a basis upon which strategies can be tailored for each specific case according to the physical, social, institutional, regulatory and economic characteristics of the local area or region; and to provide specific technical guidance and case studies regarding the effective management of eutrophication. The approach presented in this document (Figure 1) also is sufficiently general that it can be applied, with relative little modification, to the assessment of other environmental problems and to the development of effective management strategies for such problems. An approach for achieving the basic objectives stated above consists of the following components, applied approximately in the order presented: identify eutrophication problem and establish management goals; assess the extent of information available about the lake/reservoir; identify available options for management of eutrophication; analyze all costs and expected benefits of alternative management/control options; analyze adequacy of existing institutional and regulatory framework for implementing alternative management strategies; select desired control strategy and distribute summary to interested parties prior to implementation; and provide periodic progress reports on control programme to public and other interested parties. designation of bad (unacceptable) versus good (acceptable) water quality in this digest is based on the specific intended use or uses of the water resource. That is, water quality management goals for a lake or reservoir should be a function of the major purpose(s) for which the water is to be used. Obviously, there are water quality conditions to be avoided because of their interference with water uses. Ideally, for example, a lake or reservoir used as a drinking water supply should have water quality as close to an oligotrophy state as possible, since this would insure that only a minimum amount of pre-treatment would be necessary to yield a water suitable for human consumption. For such a waterbody, the content of phytoplankton (and their metabolic products) in the water should be as low as possible to facilitate this goal. Further, if the water is taken from the bottom waters of a lake during the summer (usually the period of maximum algal growth), it should be free of interferring substances resulting from decomposition of dead algal cells. Eutrophic lakes and reservoirs also could be used as a drinking water supply. However, extensive pre-treatment would be necessary before the water was suitable for human consumption. Some water uses may require no treatment at all, regardless of the existing water quality. Examples are fire-fighting purposes and the transport of commercial goods by ship. Further, in areas with extremely limited water resources, virtually all of the water may be used for various purposes (with or without treatment), regardless of its quality. Therefore, although humans can use water exhibiting a range of water quality, there is a desirable or optimal water quality for virtually any type of water usage. Though it is not quantitative in nature, a summary of intended water uses and the optimal versus minimally-acceptable trophic state for such uses is provided in Table 3. In addition, an example of the values of several commonly measured water quality parameters corresponding to different trophic conditions, based on the international eutrophication study of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1982), is provided in Table 4. Thus, it is possible to identify acce ptable or optimal water quality for given water uses. Given these factors, a prudent approach in setting eutrophication management goals is to determine the minimum water quality and trophic conditions acceptable for the primary use or uses of the lake or reservoir (Table 1), and attempt to manage the water body so that these conditions are achieved. In a given situation, if the primary use or uses of a waterbody is hindered by existing water quality, or else requires water quality or trophic conditions not being met in the waterbody, this signals the need for remedial or control programmes to achieve the necessary in-lake conditions. 21 the problem? The governmental role It is recognized that a range of different forms of government, as well as economic conditions, exist around the world. Consequently it is difficult to provide general guidelines regarding the role of the government in environmental protection efforts that will cover all possible situations. However, virtually all nations also contain some type of civil service infrastructure which, if properly used, can be an effective instrument with which to address governmental concerns. Even so, as noted earlier, not all

Friday, October 25, 2019

interstellar pig :: essays research papers

Interstellar Pig :Funky Stuff by   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Outrageously the most entertainingly fiction but yet real life book that I have ever read. This book was outstandingly filled with mysteries and packed with entertainment for the reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Barney, a teenage boy, and his parents rent a summer cabin on one of California’s beaches. They realize that their neighbors wanted this cabin very much but Barney and his parents ended up getting it. When Barney meets his neighbors he thinks that they are a little bit weird but his parents don’t think that they are too bad of people in fact they sort of like them. His neighbors also have a very strange game they play that’s called Interstellar Pig it is a very strange game. Their neighbors are about in their mid-twenties there is one girl, Zena, and two boys, Joe and Manny. Barney finds out that these neighbors wanted his house because there is some hidden secret in it ,which Barney doesn’t have a clue what it is but one day finds out about a little, well big, drawing that points to an island off of one of the coasts by his house about one or two miles away. When his neighbors find out about this they want to go there right away but wi thout Barney, but does Barney go, what do they find at this island, what happens after they find out what’s there? And what happens with this weird game they play?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characters picked for this book couldn’t have been better. Their descriptions and everything else fit so perfectly. I don’t think anything could have fit better. William Sleator did a wonderful job of writing this book. He just fit everything including the characters in very well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I first got this book from the library I did it because I had about ten seconds left in my study hall and needed a book for English class so I just grabbed it off of the wall. My first intentions where what kind of stupid book is this by just looking at the cover but about two chapters into it I really got into it and liked it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sport Development Plan

As a newly joined member of the committee for the new multi-sports club which focuses on cycling, swimming and running I have come up with a 5 year development plan, which I am confident can give the club a vision and direction to go down in order to achieve an outcome of produce a number of good athletes and be successful in the future. The report will discuss possible funding sources, and identifying where and how much will be spent to progress the club and get it moving forward by hiring/buying facilities and equipment. The club has a variety of users ranging in ability level, gender, age and also sporting activity and the club has everything it needs to be successful in future. Therefore by coming together now and producing this report with future recommendations, the hope is that the club will continue to grow and develop sport and sportspeople in the local community. Sports Development Overview Sports development is explains by Colchester borough council (march 2010) as â€Å"an increase in the number of high-quality opportunities for people to take part in sport or activity† meaning that sports development is to ensure that all people have the opportunity to participate in sport, and that this opportunity will help and encourage the participant to take part again in future sporting activities. The most recognised and key model of sports development is the sports development continuum (Governing Bodies, 2007). The continuum highlights the four main stages of development where a performer could be placed. They are the foundation, participation, performance and excellence stages. The foundation stage of the pyramid incorporates grass roots level of sports, beginners and young children, and it is the stage where the whole emphasis is on participation and the enjoyment of sporting activities. It is where the performer is taught the basics skills and this normally takes place in an environment such as a P.E lesson at school. The participation stage is the next natural progression on the pyramid and it is when the performer actually makes a choice to be involved in sport because they enjoy taking part or would like to keep a healthy lifestyle. This can range from anything such as going to the local fitness club, or joining the local Sunday football side, and is normally a result of a positive enjoyment or social benefit at the participation stage. The performance stage is where the performer feels a strong desire to improve their technical ability further and that is one of the main reasons that they actually participate, and these performers tend to take part and represent at county level for example. The final and smallest stage on the continuum is the excellence stage, which is where small percentages of people that take part in physical activity reach but always strive to reach; this is at the standard of the professionals either at a national or world standard. The two main reasons for the development of sport today are â€Å"sport for sports sake† and â€Å"sport as a social tool†. Recently the government has taken a massive interest in sport as they believe that it can help to eliminate some of the problems in today’s society such as high crime levels and the obesity epidemic. This rising of sport on the government’s agenda has made for a massive evolution in sports development and it has progressed from a little known area to a massive and expanding profession. In 2002 they published the Game Plan report, it was constructed after a large amount of research, and the report shows how the government intend to achieve their sport and physical activity objectives in the future. They have backed this up with large sums of funding and (Game Plan 2002, paragraph 5) states that â€Å"over  £2 billion from the government and lottery will be going into sport over the next three years† which highlights the commitment to sport that has been made. The Government have also set a national target to expand the base and increase participation in England by 1% annually. (Single system for sport 2002) Various organisations that receive large amounts of funding promote and help sport progress in many different ways. For example there are organisations that operate such as Sport England whose main aim is to ensure that â€Å" A substantial and growing number of people from across the community play sport† (Sport England, 2008) whilst organisations like UK Sport are more interested in â€Å"leading sport in the UK to worldwide success† (UK Sport, 2009). Therefore by UK sport focusing on the excellence stage and Sport England concentrating on developing sport from the bottom of the continuum up to performance level it shows that different organisations are constantly trying to improve each section which will help to go about achieving further success in the future. Clubs Facilities A majority of the clubs participants train in swimming, running and cycling and we also have a participant they does all three and is an Olympic hopeful. Currently the club is hiring out the swimming pool at Sir Charles Arts College, the club is based here as they also have a gymnasium were they have exercise bikes where we run our fitness bike class. For the running the club uses the running track on the garrison in Colchester which is a rubber based competition running track. The swimming and running facilities the club use are of a good standard and all private for who is hiring it, however the cycling is not ideal as exercise bike are not the same as cycling on a real bike, this is the main point of the club that should be improved. Key Objectives & Proposals In order for the multi sports club to be successful it is essential that we capture the imagination of the local community through being diverse and offering them a variety of new activities to try, whilst also offering them regular sessions in as wide a range of activities as possible. As a result of this I have come up with 5 main objectives that must be met if this club is to be successful. They are †¢ Increasing the level of participation. †¢ Form strong links with other clubs, organisations and businesses in the community to help with sponsorships and funding. †¢ Improving the facilities that the club uses. †¢ Widen the range of available activities. †¢ Bring in and develop high quality coaches. Raising participation is the first key objective that I will aim for. We need people to attend the activities that we currently have and through the use of advertisement in and around the local town and papers we hope to raise awareness of the club and in turn raise the level of participation. Having regular paying clients will enable us as a centre to get back some of the costs of the improvements that will be made therefore it is very important that we raise the number of people through the door. I realise that bringing in coaches to replace the staff we already have will have an effect on the staff we do keep so if we give our current staff opportunities to learn and better themselves then their morale will rise, whilst it will also have a positive impact in the delivery/coaching standard of their sessions. This will provide us with a win/win situation as we will be getting better and higher qualified coaches providing more efficient sessions, which will give us as a centre a better reputation and make the club more attractive to the public. Also we intend to bring in highly qualified and vastly experienced coaches to help train our current staff to get them to a higher standard. This is important to the Olympic triathlon hopeful and to the club if we intend to produce more Olympic standard athletes. Improving the current facilities they we use would also be of a major benefit to the club. The current facilities could do with upgrading and the three sports that have the highest number of participants, swimming, cycling and running, we will get better facilities and new equipment especially cycling we need to get some bicycles so the club can train properly which will help to maintain our client base and make them feel part of the club and feel that they can improve further. The success of the sport club is dependent on the interest from the local community and for this reason I have highlighted it as a massive objective to interact with the local businesses, sports clubs and organisations to develop strong links were we can all gain something from each other because we all have a lot to offer. The sharing of facilities is something that we hope to gain through possible future links and we could also get some sponsorship from businesses that need promoting. By offering a wider range of activities I believe that we will be able to attract different target markets and again raise the level of people that attend the club. With the club being new we need to show as many people as possible what activities we have to offer, the wider the range of activities the more people we can reach out to. Funding To help with the aims and further developments that will be made to the sports centre, it is vital that we can source some funding and revenue from one of the leading sports organisations or from local sponsorship deals. There are many options that are available to us and the opportunities for funding are out there, however there is not an endless pot of money and we as a club must show that we would put the money to good use in order to stand any chance of investment. Sport coach UK is an example of an organisation that we would qualify for funding from. Our ideas fit in nicely with theirs and our objective to improve the level of our coaching staff would enable us to receive a sum of money.  £1000 would be enough to significantly improve the standard of coaching of our staff and give them a chance to gain a higher qualification which could help in their future careers. The club currently has one Olympic hopeful and we need to do everything possible to maximise their training and give them the best chance possible to succeed. To help the athlete we would bring in specialised high level coaches to train the athlete and also dieticians to provide the athlete with the necessary dietary needs in order to perform to the top level. UK sport deal with elite athletes and by hiring these specific staff to help our talented athletes we would qualify for funding. This funding would go towards the plans for the new equipment that our facility is badly in need of and also towards the payments for the top level coaches Also through our main objectives and our will to improve participation in sport we may even qualify for funding from Sport England who share the same objectives. With this also being a government initiative we would qualify for funding The club will apply to Sports England small grant scheme for the sum of  £10,000 to fund new equipment, facility hire and expansion of activities to increase participation to get the local community exercising and maybe get some participant up in the excellence section on the continuum like our triathlon Olympic hopefully. Also additional methods of raising funds could be through business sponsorship and other fundraising events in the local community. We would be holding regular fundraising sporting activities where all the local community is welcome, and any additional funds would be pumped straight back into the sports centre. Conclusion This report has suggested a series of future developments that should be implemented in order to maximise the potential of the multi sports club and the future needs have been outlined clearly. Possible funding opportunities have been thoroughly discussed and obtaining this funding will prove vital in achieving our key aims. I believe that the five year plan and also the fact that the Olympics will be local will help to make the centre a massive success and raise the participation levels greatly in the community. Also all of the staff must be well aware of the relevant sports development theory and continuums and the guidelines must be followed to ensure that we can all achieve success in the future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Women Empowerment

Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women empowerment â€Å"Why I Believe in Women Empowerment† Ages ago, women only had limited opportunities in life. Usual connotation of a woman is the one who does household chores. But nowadays, it may mean offensive to women because their abilities and capabilities to do other things are under estimated. The current generation of women is considered empowered. When we say empower, this means that there is an authority given to somebody, thus, that authority will make the person more confident and assertive. I believe in women empowerment because I think as a woman, I should be treated equally with man.Also, being a scholar with wisdom, I speak the truth without doubt or hesitation giving me a sense of empowerment. Because of this, I have greater choices and chances to explore, learn and expose myself in all walks of life which will be beneficial not only to me but also to others. I want to portray an ideal member of the society. Because of having respect and self confidence, I can do things possible and excel with my outmost dedication to work. Women can perform task that a man can do but outshining them is not our goal instead, living harmoniously with them is our desire.Also, women empowerment is not destruction to man's self-esteem and ego. We work not to prove that we can do better than a man but to complement what a man can do. Being one of the empowered women, I clearly understood my worth. That's why I was able to look at the world as a place where I can freely express who I am and what I believe, making me surrounded with people who honor, love, and respect me as I honor, love, and respect myself. Therefore, women empowerment should be realized by every girl to achieve a successful and fulfilled life. Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Get More Traffic From Every Post

How to Get More Traffic From Every Post by Noah Kagan, Chief Sumo at (free tools to grow your website traffic) Traffic can feel a bit like catch-22. You need people to share your posts but if you have no traffic there’s no one to share At the start of 2014, I decided to prioritize my email list and grow my blog from a small side project to one of the top marketing blogs. In less than a year, traffic grew by more than 400%! Today, I want to show you 10 actionable strategies you can use to grow your own blog’s traffic each time you publish a new post.How to Get More Traffic From Every Post (Plus How OkDork Grew Traffic 400% In 8 Months)  @noahkagan1- Start Building And Prioritizing Your Email List Growing your email list is an amazingly vicious cycle. You get subscribers, email them when an article goes live, they go read it and then share it with people. Then those people subscribe and the cycle delightfully continues. But, to build an email list you have to ask for visitors email addresses. The easiest way to do that is to use plugins for your blog. I use the SumoMe plugin (built by AppSumo) and the apps List Builder and Scroll Box. The tools will help you start building an email list without any technical knowledge. (Scroll Box is a great way to ask engaged readers to sign up towards the end of a postyou can set it to appear only after someone has read 50% or 75% of your post.) The blog is a great example of what you should be doing if you want to build an email list. Each blog post there is a chance to sign up at the top and in the middle of the post. They also have a pop-up that has a persuasive offer to first time or one-off visitors Now, if you had to pick only one place to ask for emails, where would you ask? It’s not in a pop-up or a scroll box: it’s your homepage. Before 2014, my homepage included links to recent blog posts, archives, and the menu bar. After using heatmaps, I removed all of the distractions and left visitors with only 1 option: Now my most trafficked page is also my #1 email address generator. If you’re serious about growing your email list, make it extremely simple for each visitor to give you their email address. Pro tip: How To Turn Your Blog Readers Into Paying Customers 2- Be Part Of A Community I got involved in two key communities for marketers: GrowthHackers and Before asking for anything from these communities, I did my best to spend time where my readers are, add value, comment in the forums, share articles and upvote other posts (not just OkDork posts). Being part of these communities helped pinpoint what posts our target audience (other marketers) wanted to read, the common elements of the most liked/upvoted posts, and made it more natural to ask for help promoting OkDork content. As a result, by mid-2014 GrowthHackers and were the two largest referring sites to OkDork. Engage your readers (or customers) where they are already spending time. Respond to their questions, suggest resources, add value every time you login or visit the site. Find a forum, sub-reddit, or a similar site that carries your target audience, become part of the community, add value back, and then begin to submit your own high-quality content. Pro Tip: 50% Places To Repurpose Your Content 3- Publish Long Content Arguably the biggest change that brought traffic to OkDork was reaching out to writers who had lots of marketing data that could be put into long form content. Why? Because the content was outrageously good and exactly what our target audience/community wanted. In fact, the majority of viral articles are over 3,000+ words and explore a single topic in depth. The longer the post the most shares it got. (Plus each guest writer notified their own email list and shared the post on Twitter which brought additional targeted traffic to OkDork.) Although it may be tempting to write lots of short content or to ask guest writers to write short posts, set your standards high and publish long content that contains more of what your audience wants. Take note of the posts that get lots of share within your community and make sure you do the same with each post. If your community is data driven include 10x as many statistics or if they are image driven add 10x more images than usual. Pro Tip: 5 Things That Will Change Your Mind About Long Form Content Marketing 4- Build An Inner Circle In May 2014, I put together a list of 15 to 20 friends, colleagues, fans that a) wanted to help me and b) were already enjoying the content on the blog. This â€Å"Inner Circle† or â€Å"Insiders List† reviewed upcoming posts and provided an early traffic boost to new posts - often by sharing it 24 to 48 hours before the post was sent out by email to my main list. Here’s the first email I sent to the Inner Circle: To build your own â€Å"Inner Circle† first list out: Interesting people within the community you are a part of; Customers/readers who provide constructive feedback; People who regularly send you the best articles or resources; Any people connected to special sites or channels you want to be on; And a few influencers who seem too good to be true. After you have the list, send an email like the one above that explains why they were selected, what the list is, and what they’ll get. Offer them a way out so that you’re not spamming people each week. Once you have their permission send an email from your personal account once a week or once every two weeks with a link to the latest blog post. It’s also important to occasionally help your Inner Circle with whatever they are working on. 5- Post On Popular Aggregate Sites In the past, when a new post was live on OkDork I occasionally shared it on a few sub-reddits or a community site like GrowthHackers. There was no system and in the busyness of running a blog, there were times when it wasn’t shared at all. To solve this two things happened: I developed an â€Å"Inner Circle† (above) Created a checklist of the top aggregate sites that referred traffic in the past. The checklist helped me see which aggregate sites and sub-reddits had not yet posted the article. Most of the time the Inner Circle took care of sharing it on their favorite sites, but if a site was missing it was easy to remember to add it or reach out to someone I knew was active in that particular community or site. To create your own checklist list out the top sites/groups/sub-reddits where your customers/visitors spend time. 6-   Make Images and Posts Easy to Share As traffic grows on your site, one of the most obvious ways to help it along is to make it easy to share the content on multiple channels. If a visitor has to copy the link, create a new email, and then share it you’ll only have a few people sharing the article. Again does an awesome job at this with its floating social icons on the left of each post and with an image sharing plugin to make sharing images easier. On OkDork I added the Share plugin to so that on each post people can easily share it on the usual channels Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. The plugin also offers a bunch of other services like Evernote, Amazon Wishlist, Digg, and plain ol’ email. I’m convinced that great long form content gets shares 1) because great content and 2) everyone wants their friends to think they read an indepth article whether they actually read it or not so make sure it’s as easy as possible to share! Pro Tip: Where Is The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On Your Blog 7- Repromote Your Old Content Repromoting old content was one of the easiest ways to grow traffic on OkDork. Every two months, we used Google Analytics to find content that hadn’t been visited over a certain threshold in the previous three months. (That threshold should vary depending on your own site.) Then we scheduled each post to reshare it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. over the next three months. The advantage of this is you don’t have to do much work (no creativity required). You can also repromote and schedule content you just posted as well. Here’s a simple graphic from to show you how: Pro Tip: How Promote Your Blog With Social Media (And Double Your Traffic) 8- Quotes In my most popular posts (most shared and organic search), I added quotes throughout. While this had a smaller impact on overall traffic than some of the other methods, it is a more organic way to ask someone to share the post. When you select the best quotes from an article you make it easier to read, share, and re-share. As you repromote old content, you’ll also see an uptick in the number of shares. If you’re not already, you should be using the Plugin to make tweeting selections of your blog post a breeze. SumoMe also offers a highlighter that allows a user to â€Å"† their own selections. It’s a nice complement to the plugin. 9- Send The Highlights Of Each Post In An Email By now the tactics are getting really easy†¦but this is an important one. One of the biggest contributors to traffic came through the email list, but we found a simple way to drive traffic and get a boost in click through rates: making it easier and sexier to click through. Emails announcing a new blog post tend to do one of three things: Mention 1 new post and include a lead paragraph Link out to multiple new posts each with a lead paragraph Include an entire post in the email The first two aren’t terribly convincing- the meat of an article is almost never in the first paragraph! And the third option provides 0 reasons to actually click through and visit the site (meaning no additional traffic). Beginning this past summer, when an OkDork goes out it mentions only 1 new post and breaks out the 3 of the most valuable insights. It’s extremely simple (example below) and doubled click through rate from an average of ~5-6% to ~12-15%. Spend time figuring out what is most valuable to your audience and include those highlights in the email. Pro Tip: 5 Easy Lead Conversion Tips For Your Email Marketing Program 10- Publish on a Regular Schedule The other thing I did was create a calendar that we followed closely to make sure that new posts were going out every week and we didn’t fall behind. If you’re reading this on you already know that publishing regularly is critical to traffic. Not only does it help you be consistent, it creates a healthy expectation within your community and for your readers. A regular schedule made all of the other 9 strategies above doubly effective. In fact, if you’re not publishing regularly or at least with a consistent rhythm many of the tactics above will fall flat or produce few results. Pro Tip: Start A Free Trial Of Now

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creating a Spinning Steel Wool Sparkler

Creating a Spinning Steel Wool Sparkler Steel wool, like all metals, burns when enough energy is supplied. Its a simple oxidation reaction, like rust formation, except faster.  This is the basis for the thermite reaction, but its even easier to burn a metal when it has a lot of surface area. Heres a fun fire science project where you  spin burning steel wool to create a fantastic sparkler effect. Its simple  and makes an ideal subject for science photographs. Spinning Steel Wool Sparkler Materials You can get these materials at just about any store. If you have a choice of steel wool pads, go for ones with thin fibers, since these burn the best. a pad of steel woolwire whiskheavy string or a light rope9-volt battery What You Do Gently pull apart the steel wool a bit to increase the space between the fibers. This allows more air to circulate, improving the effect.Put the steel wool inside the wire whisk.Attach a string to the end of the whisk.Wait until dusk or dark and find a clear, fire-safe area. When you are ready, touch both terminals of the 9-volt battery to the steel wool. The electrical short will ignite the wool. It will smolder and glow, not burst into flame, so dont be too concerned.Clear the area around you, hold the rope, and start spinning it. The faster you spin it, the more air youll get to feed the combustion reaction.To stop the sparkler, stop spinning the rope. You can dunk the whisk in a bucket of water to make sure its completely extinguished and to cool the metal. Taking a Great Spinning Steel Wool Photograph The effect can be used to produce truly amazing images. For a quick and simple picture, just use your cell phone. Turn off the flash and set the exposure for a few seconds or longer, if that is an option. For a serious photograph you can proudly display on your wall: Use a tripod.Choose a low ISO like 100 or 200, since there is a lot of light.Select an exposure time from a few seconds up to 30 seconds.For really cool effects, work on a reflective surface, like water, or spin the steel wool inside a tunnel or arch. If the area is enclosed, the sparks will outline it in your photo. Safety Its fire, so this is an adult-only project. Perform the project on a beach or in a parking lot or some other place free from flammable material. Its a good idea to wear a hat to protect your hair from stray sparks and glasses to protect your eyes. Need more excitement? Try breathing fire!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Como borrar record criminal y consecuencias migratorias

Como borrar record criminal y consecuencias migratorias Es posible borrar o sellar el rà ©cord penal de una persona en Estados Unidos si se cumplen una serie de requisitos.   En este artà ­culo se explica en quà © consiste el borrado del rà ©cord penal, que se conoce en inglà ©s como expungement o sealing, cules son los requisitos bsicos, cà ³mo se solicita y cules son los efectos, incluidas las consecuencias migratorias  de limpiar los antecedentes penales. Quà © es el borrado del rà ©cord penal en Estados Unidos Como regla general, el borrado del rà ©cord penal es el equivalente a su desaparicià ³n, es decir, como si nunca hubiera existido. Es decir, si se obtiene se comunicar a la policà ­a y otra autoridades que se debe sellar este rà ©cord y nadie puede tener acceso al mismo. Sin embargo, es fundamental destacar que en este punto cada estado que compone los Estados Unidos sigue sus propias leyes y en algunos de ellos siempre queda constancia del rà ©cord. Es decir, el rà ©cord no desaparece. Lo que pasa es que sà ³lo se tiene en cuenta si la persona a la que se le borrà ³ el rà ©cord vuelve a tener otro problema con la ley. Por ejemplo, los jueces o las prisiones pueden tener esa informacià ³n. No debe confundirse la eliminacià ³n del rà ©cord (expungement o sealing) con un perdà ³n penal (pardon), que solo puede ser acordado por el Presidente de Estados Unidos, el gobernador o un Consejo especial de Perdones. En este à ºltimo caso sà ­ que hay rà ©cord, pero no se le tiene en cuenta. Sin embargo, en el caso del expungement, es como si no lo hubiera habido nunca.   Por otro lado, en los casos en los que una persona ha sido acusada de una felonà ­a o falta pero se la ha declarado inocente es posible solicitar un Certificado de Inocencia (Certificate of Actual Innocence, en inglà ©s). Requisitos para solicitar el borrado o eliminacià ³n del rà ©cord penal Cada estado regula sus propios requisitos, por lo que hay que verificar la ley del estado en el que tuvo lugar el enjuiciamiento y procesamiento del delito. Pero por regla general, se puede decir que son elementos a favor de que pudiera darse un borrado del rà ©cord cuando se dan 1 o varios de  los siguientes elementos: Si la persona era menor de 18 aà ±os en el momento de cometer el delito o falta.Si ya ha pasado mucho tiempo entre la comisià ³n del delito o falta y el momento de solicitud de borrado del rà ©cord.Si el delito o falta no es considerado como grave.Si la persona que cometià ³ del delito o falta tiene, quitando esa mancha, un rà ©cord absolutamente limpio. Por el contrario, con carcter general puede decirse que no ser posible solicitar un borrado del rà ©cord cuando se dan cualquiera de las siguientes situaciones: La và ­ctima del delito o falta sea un menor de 18 aà ±os AsesinatoViolacià ³n o asalto sexualCiertos delitos que involucren armasObscenidades o pornografà ­a cuando intervienen menores. En este punto es interesante conocer la edad de consentimiento sexual en cada estado, porque relaciones à ­ntimas consentidas entre novios puede dar lugar a que exista delito.Y otros delitos o faltas que fijen las leyes del estado Cà ³mo se solicita sellar o eliminar un rà ©cord penal Sà ³lo un juez de corte civil puede sentenciar que un rà ©cord queda sellado, por lo que hay que iniciar un procedimiento ante dicha corte. Como regla general, no se necesita abogado para esta peticià ³n. Verificar las circunstancias de cada estado. Ventajas de borrar el rà ©cord criminal Existen poderosas razones por las que una persona puede desear eliminar su rà ©cord penal. Por ejemplo, es comà ºn en los Estados Unidos que se pregunte por historial delictivo en los formularios de aplicacià ³n para trabajos o incluso para rentar vivienda. Una respuesta en afirmativo puede resultar que no se obtiene el trabajo deseado o no se puede vivir en el lugar elegido. Sin embargo, si se ha obtenido el sellado del problema penal, se puede contestar sin mentir que no se tiene rà ©cord delictivo. Borrado de rà ©cord y su relacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n A diferencia de lo que aplica en solicitudes de trabajo o de alquiler de apartamentos o casas, en asuntos de inmigracià ³n el expungement no aplica. Esto es asà ­ desde 1999 por una decisià ³n del Board of Appeals (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que se conoce como Matter of Roldan. En esa sentencia se decidià ³ que los rà ©cord penales borrados siguen existiendo para Inmigracià ³n. Y esto es importante porque en los formularios migratorios o incluso de visas no inmigrante frecuentemente se pregunta si en el pasado el solicitante de un beneficio migratorio ha sido detenido o arrestado, si ha sido juzgado, si ha sido condenado y si ha cumplido pena de prisià ³n. Existe la obligacià ³n legal de decir la verdad en todos  los formularios de Inmigracià ³n y en las entrevistas con agentes migratorios se est obligado a decir la verdad. Y si se tuvo rà ©cord criminal hay que contestar afirmativamente, aunque à ©ste haya sido sellado. Mentir puede dar lugar a una condena por fraude (misrepresentation).Y esto aplica tanto a delitos o faltas cometidos en Estados Unidos como en otro paà ­s. Por lo tanto, en estos casos lo recomendable es asesorarse con un abogado migratorio, si es posible antes de pedir el borrado del rà ©cord. Y tambià ©n guardar una copia de todos los papeles del problema penal cuyo rà ©cord se borra, desde el arresto a la condena, si la hubo. Pueden ser necesarios en los casos en los que la carga de prueba de que se reà ºnen todos los requisitos para un beneficio migratorio recae en el solicitante. Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que los delitos y las faltas pueden ser causa de inadmisibilidad, esto es, razà ³n para que se niegue una visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante u otros beneficios migratorios, como por ejemplo un ajuste de estatus, la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n, la aprobacià ³n del estatus de asilado, etc. Asimismo, pueden ser causa de deportacià ³n, incluso para residentes permanentes legales. Por  todo ello, si se tiene un rà ©cord es conveniente asesorarse sobre si influye en lo que se quiere pedir, ya que no todos los delitos o faltas son iguales ni las circunstancias de cada uno ni lo que se pide ni provocan la mismas consecuencias. Y tener en cuenta que en muchos casos en los que los delitos o faltas son causas de inadmisibiliadd para negar la visa o un beneficio migratorio es posible pedir un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso. Finalmente, destacar que sà ³lo es posible solicitar la eliminacià ³n del un rà ©cord penal, si se dan todos los requisitos legales. Pero nunca es posible solicitar el borrado del rà ©cord migratorio. Ese siempre est disponible para las autoridades y las personas interesadas pueden solicitar una copia del mismo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Anti Slavery Movement In Britain in Birmingham Coursework

The Anti Slavery Movement In Britain in Birmingham - Coursework Example This is because of the fact that though Britain was one of the most influential and prosperous nations in this regard, other nations were no les behind. The practice of slave trade was rather a tricky affair and the basis of such trade was 'need'. Ships from ports such as Liverpool and Bristol used to head towards the backward African mainland laden with small goods such as spices, fabrics, arms and knives etc. things were by far petty and simple for the white man, but something that was of extreme value and demand to the African people. This is because these were some of the many things that the African were deprived of in those days given their backwardness. More often, such goods used to be of very cheap quality, for which Africa proved to be a lucrative 'dump'. As the topic of the essay ges to say, the anti slavery movement has an important association with Britain, and among these, the city of Birmingham has come to hold an important place. Most of these low quality and sub-standard goods were made in Birmingham and were popularly referred to as 'Brummagem ware'. In return for these goods, the African people had to pay the heaviest price they could have ever thought of-'themselves'. Goods were exchanged for large number of African people, who were then brought back or taken to other territories, where they were either sold of slaves or made to do hard work in the form of slaves in those territories. Many of them were captured in armed conflicts with the Europeans winning all of them given the kind of firearms they possessed in comparison to the bows and arrows, wherein the former outclassed the latter.After having been captured or being brought in as part of the trade, these people were then packed like sardines into these slave ships and were brought home to Britain in such inhuman and inhospitable conditions that many of them would perish midway. The conditions were so worse that they would not have the opportunity t o do even the commonest of other daily activities (as they were jam-packed), which resulted in the outbreak of disease. By the turn of the eighteenth century, the trade of slaves had risen to such terrific proportions that ships from Britain were now bringing back as many as 50,000 slaves every year. Those slaves who managed to survive through all the above-mentioned hardships were then sold for transportation to places such as the windies or the America to work in plantations, factories, mills etc1. The goods produced by the slaves within those regions would then come back to Britain, where they were then sold or sold in the colonies for exorbitant prices. Thu, it can be understood that the practice of slave trade profited Britain in particular, and the countries of Europe in general have benefited in huge ways by making huge profits on many trade-related fronts. On the other hand, the slaves who labored hard were made to live and work in inhospitable conditions ridden with poverty and disease. Thus, their fruits of labor were enjoyed by the people back in Britain (and Europe). Moreover, there was no sense of knowledge within the British public largely about the conditions that existed in these plantations and factories, while many just did not bother to know any2.But, as time passed by and decades rolled past, a sense of consciousness began to emerge

Friday, October 18, 2019

Freedom Writers Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freedom Writers - Term Paper Example The school teacher comes from a different background then the children. The school teacher is portrayed as coming from a wealthy family with caring parents. It must have been easy for the teacher to attend college and money seems to not be an issue. The teacher obtains a job at a school that is known for having a bad name and not many students that prosper. The school is located in a poorer neighborhood and contains many different genders of teens and minorities. Location has a lot to do with economics of race and gender. Schools that are located in wealthy neighborhoods usually contain students that come from wealthy families. Schools located in less wealthy neighborhoods are likely to contain students from a poorer economic class. The movie portrays economics as referring to race and gender as; white families and students are wealthy and have less problems associated with money and less crime. Minorities such as African Americans, Asians and Latino families are likely on government assistance and struggle financially. With portrayal is shown by revealing struggles that students in poorer communities struggle with everyday. In the movie the teacher does something that no one else has ever tried before. The teacher sees the students outside of race and gender. The teacher fights to get the kids basic school supplies others take for granted. The students need notebooks, textbooks and writing utensils. The school refuses to pay for these items so the teacher takes up a second job and does what is necessary to get the students what they need. Her perseverance is shown to the students and this moves them in a way no one else has. After struggling to show the students that race and gender do not matter, finally she is able to get through to the students. The students accept her for her and then begin to accept each other regardless of social, racial and gender differences. Near the end of the movie, the teacher is able to persuade

Harm-reduction interventions in British substance-misuse services Essay

Harm-reduction interventions in British substance-misuse services - Essay Example In order to overcome harms and complications, it is always important that a comprehensive harm reduction program is planned and executed in such a manner that it minimizes the harm. A comprehensive harm reduction program or activities therefore always aim to take a broader view of the drug use and how it can create harm and what actions can be taken to reduce such harm. Harm reduction therefore does not need to fall into the ambit of harm to the health only however, the social and economic affects of such harm shall also be accounted for.( Dahlgren and Whitehead,1991). It is because of this reason that any initiative aimed at harm reduction must be comprehensive enough to cater to different and diversified determinants of the harm reduction. This literature review will therefore focus on the harm reduction interventions in Britain substance misuse services by reviewing the policies and programs and actions that have been undertaken to reduce the harm associated with the drug use. UK Harm Reduction Alliance (UKHRA) defines harm reduction in really broader terms and includes really a diversified set of terms to explain and define the term. This definition is however, borrowed from the work of Newcombe who defines harm reduction as â€Å"Harm reduction is a term that defines policies, programmes, services and actions that work to reduce the health; social; and economic harms to individuals; communities; and society that are associated with the use of drugs† (Newcombe 1992) The above definition of harm reduction therefore indicate that harm reduction encompasses policies and programmes that are basically aimed at reducing the impact of drug use not only on the individuals but also on the communities as well as a society as a whole. Further, the overall range of harms includes health, social as well as economic harms that can potentially damage not only an individual’s life but also affect the society as a whole. It is critical to note that the use of